Difference between a free mind and a rigid mind

Parth Sarda
3 min readNov 22, 2020


There are many different types of minds, but this division is on the basis of thinking.


There are numerous theories on the existence of God, Aliens, Ghost, Graviton, Tachyon, White holes, Warm holes, String Theory, General relativity and many more. Mostly all people believe in one of them as they are taught by people to believe in it.

These theories make a difference in minds leading to different thoughts among people, which classifies them as a free or rigid mind.

The Major difference

A rigid mind blocks success

There are numerous possibilities of what is true and what’s not. There is a certain possibility of these theories to be true or they may not be. The difference between the two comes from the interpretation of these possibilities. A rigid mind believes that these possibilities are true while a free mind sees these ideas with certainty that all of them stand a chance and the other can too happen. He acknowledges everything with certain possibility of what fits the gap. A free mind explores these as mere ideas that may be real, while a rigid mind believes that what he thinks is a reality.

Freethinker vs. Rigid thinker.

A free thinking mind

A free minded person is also called an open minded person. He finds a certain possibility in things. Free thinking can be defined as an epistemological (Philosophical study of the nature, origin, and limits of human knowledge) viewpoint which holds that beliefs should not be formed on the basis of authority, tradition, revelation, and the beliefs should instead be reached by other methods such as logic, reason, and empirical observation. Modern freethinkers consider free thought to be a natural freedom from all negative and illusive thoughts acquired from the society. It is like taking account every possibility that can or could have happened rather than the established belief. A freethinker is a person who forms their own ideas and opinions rather than accepting those of other people, especially in religious teaching.” In some contemporary thought in particular, free thought is strongly tied with rejection of traditional social or religious belief systems according to Wikipedia.

An example of rigid thinking

A rigid minded person is also called a staunch person. He believes in a possibility rather than many possibilities. He fails to accept other’s thinking and only follows his own thoughts. It can be defined as an obstinate inability to yield or a refusal to appreciate another person’s viewpoint or emotions characterized by a lack of empathy. It can also refer to the tendency to persevere, which is the inability to change habits and the inability to modify concepts and attitudes once developed. It generally refers to a person’s inability to give up the ancient thinking and adopting an age old lifestyle. A rigid person is like a caged bird who imbibes as much knowledge which suits his rigid mind.

A rigid person limits his knowledge, which a free thinker gets so giving an upper hand for a free thinker hence it increases his probability of getting success making him an ideal thinker. That’s why it’s said that ‘freeing your mind will ultimately free yourself’ . It’s on us whether to be an open minded person or a rigid minded. Even if you are rigid you can change yourself as it’s truly said by Albert Einstein that “ The measure of intelligence is the ability to change”.



Parth Sarda

I am just a student looking out in the vast world. I am interested in Science, Humanity. I love to explore new things and to find out the truth behind things.