Everyone is the same

Parth Sarda
2 min readApr 2, 2021

If we all are human beings, why is everyone not treated equally.

The Problem

Our constitution states everyone is equal, but we still do not treat everyone equally. We often mistreat and disrespect the people on the basis of their wealth, caste, creed, gender, religion, races though we all are the same human beings. The differences within us should never come on the way to equality. We form clans on the basis of them rather than on the basis of work and hold grudges against each other. We have a bad habit of prejudice within us which prevents us from uniting. Our ego comes in the way even if a person is being good to us.

The Solution

If we are united we could face any problem together. We need not be differentiating between anyone on the basis of any pretext. We should think of people as a group of ants, and when we are together we could achieve anything. Furthermore, we should remember the India at the time of it being a colony of British. At the time British used to divide the people to rule over India. We must not forget that if we are not united there would be another country which would make India it’s colony. We need to learn from our mistakes of the past. Likewise, we should be united and not let anybody differentiate us. It is all on us to be not separated by anything and let the wildfires of separation make us united even more. Let’s unite the world and make it a better place.


Everybody thinks Equality comes from identifying people, and that’s not where equality comes from. Equality comes from treating everybody the same regardless of who they are. — Matthew Bomer



Parth Sarda

I am just a student looking out in the vast world. I am interested in Science, Humanity. I love to explore new things and to find out the truth behind things.