Life constant

Parth Sarda
2 min readFeb 9, 2021

This article is based on lifetime of different species.

A general lifetime of certain animals.


Every living species has its own different lifetime with regard to certain conditions. We observe the world around and tend to get certain observation with that we get data which needs to be processed to get accurate prediction and analysis. One can say that through different lifetime and sizes there can be a prediction made that greater the size greater is the age. This prediction doesn’t seem to oblige with certain animals such as tortoise, parrot, and eel.

If we go to the depth every animal takes relatively same number of heartbeat. When we find the total of these all they are mostly found to be between 0.5–3 Billion heartbeats.


The reason for this is that several living creature has a heart that is similar to the others. It depends on their size as a small sized animal like mouse, insects have a very high surface area volume ratio to which they lose heat produced in their body as they generate a lot of heat to cope up with their surrounding as the metabolism of such animals is fast as they lose their heat fast and such animals' breath a whopping 1000 times a second. The opposite is true for a large animal like Elephant, Blue Whale. They have a low surface area and Volume ratio which leads to less heat from escaping from the body so the cells of such an organism are less active resulting in less heat being produced balances their body. The activity of the cells with regard to size differentiates the different animal. The total heartbeat count of animals is found to be in the same range.

You probably would have thought that some animal have a short life, but we all live almost the same life just our lifetime is different. The animal on micro level have a world relative to them as they do the activity, that we take minutes, in seconds. Time is just a perception which all the life form experience differently based on our lifetime.



Parth Sarda

I am just a student looking out in the vast world. I am interested in Science, Humanity. I love to explore new things and to find out the truth behind things.