Aritra(Point) Theory

Parth Sarda
3 min readJul 10, 2020


Brief introduction

We still don’t know whether string theory is valid. Even if it is, we don’t know what the strings are made up of, as humans cannot observe anything that small even with today’s technology. We can only think of what could possibly exist that small. Also, as the universe or multiverse (if it exists) is infinitely large, we cannot find much, just like finding a letter or less in an entire book. Just like the universe, there can be a world that is infinitely smaller than we can imagine, made up of points, each having a separate field, each of which is further made of other points which are arranged like in a quantum realm.

Game of possibilities

an image of the brain showing the infinite number of possibilities that the brain is capable of thinking

After all, everything has certain possibilities which may or not be correct as we need to take consideration of all of them to reach reality which is always a bit different than we think. This theory of points resembles the pattern of infinite objects that occur in the universe. For example, we always say there is infinite space in the universe. Just as there are positive and negative infinities in mathematics, there are infinitely massive objects and, possibly there can be infinitely small objects in the universe. The theory is all about the existence of small dot-like points that are infinitesimally small. Their interaction results in forces and they can even reach in any dimension in the vast universe or multiverse (if it exists). They are like a world in themselves with each of them having a field that connects one to the other. Their field creates a very small mass that creates gravity through which space and time interact. They can travel in any dimension in the universe, and hence this theory supports that there may be an infinite number of dimensions.

If the String theory is true, string particle might be composed up of such small points which may be the basis of all the matter found in the vast universe. The string theory is a theory of quantum gravity so the same can also exist between the points. This theory also successfully explains the relation of gravity with the matter as well as spacetime. They also tell us the universe might have possibly emerged from a point that has been a point with incredible mass and energy which collapsed forming everything that we see in the space and the differences of different objects are maybe due to the different behavior of points which are responsible for the functioning of the entire universe or the multiverse which may have lead to the creation of infinite dimension and infinite spacetime around the universe. These points might be having information on the beginning of the universe and the mystery of dark matter which can’t be viewed with today’s technology. Maybe these all mysteries will be solved if we research on the existence of such points. All these points might carry some quantum information which may explain their behavior.

We cannot see but can only think, which is our only power to know about things that we cannot find as our senses are limited to a certain extent and our technology too is but our thinking power is unlimited and hence by using the vast potential of thinking that we have we can explore many ideas like this one and find many more. “Ideas cannot be seen they can only be thought” so let’s ignite our brain to find many more of such ideas.

This article is all about a point as the smallest thing on the earth, which is an assumption theory based on the compilation of other theories like Quantum Field Theory and the String theory, which are both widely accepted.



Parth Sarda

I am just a student looking out in the vast world. I am interested in Science, Humanity. I love to explore new things and to find out the truth behind things.